Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda posters

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda posters · Russia travel blog.

Here are several posters that “showed” Soviet people the difference between socialism and capitalism.

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

About 20 millions of American people don’t have enough money to buy more than 1 liter of milk per month and 6 kg of meat per year.

They have plenty of goods for rich people only, and we are going to give goods to all the people.

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

Who has the national income?

Exploiters have the majority of it in capitalistic countries.

Working people – in USSR.

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

In the countries of capitalism – the violation of working people rights

In the countries of socialism – the right to work

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

In the countries of capitalism – the path of the talent…

In the countries of socialism – the path to the talent!

Socialism vs Capitalism propaganda poster

May 1 celebrations

Have a look, all the Soviet country is singing and dancing…

Our red spring is the most beautiful one!

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