Joshua Landsman’s Visual Reading Diary.
Joshua Landsman uses the entire page—drawings, illustrations, tipped-in clippings, typography . . . it’s all a part of his presentation.
The “Writers I Have Loved” portfolio
Evelyn Waugh
Wally Wood
William Burroughs (I think this is my favorite of all the designs.)
Samuel Beckett / Henry Moore
George Orwell
Marcel Proust
Andy Warhol . . . or Pat Hackett?
Thomas Pynchon
James Joyce
“Anomalies & Curiosities Of Medicine,” 1896
Al Jaffee / Isaac Asimov
“God loves the simple folk”
J. D. Salinger
William Gaddis
J. G. Ballard
Ayn Rand / D. H. Lawrence
Dawn Powell
Fawn Brodie
Charles “Sparky” Schulz
The first page of a Schulz-inspired strip
Things Ludwig Wittgenstein didn’t say. . . but Landsman did.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Wilhelm Reich
Joseph Heller
The mailer that Joshua put together for an exhibit of the “Writers I Have Loved” project held recently at Chicago’s J. Andrews Salon
A shot from the show. Joshua Landsman is the gentleman in the white shirt with his arms crossed, left of center.
You might also enjoy Steven Brower’s recent posts of the visual art of famous writers (part one and part two)—or Danny Gregory’s An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators and Designers.
Read more: Joshua Landsman’s Visual Reading Diary
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