2013 More Logo Trends Showcase

Mais algumas trends interessantes para logos em 2013… naturalmente aplicável para outras áreas do design.

The 2013 Logo Design Trends

Without further ado, here are the logo design trends compiled by LogoLounge.com. You get more information on each trend on the original post.

The Here Logo Design Trend

Here Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Crosses Logo Design Trend

Crossed Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Wave Logo Design Trend

Wave Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Molecule Logo Design Trend

Molecules Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Nature Marks Logo Design Trends

Nature Marks

The Membrane Logo Design Trend

Membrane Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Forumla Logo Design Trend

Formula Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Bracketing Logo Design Trend

Bracketing Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Eyelet Trend

Eyelet Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Slash Logo Design Trend

Slash Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Written Logo Design Trend

Written Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Line Craft Logo Design Trend

Line Craft Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Badges Logo Design Trend

Badges Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Banners Logo Design Trend

Banners Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

The Monograms Logo Design Trend

Monograms Logo Design Trends & Inspiration

Do these identity / branding trends effect you or your process? Do you agree with these suggestions? Have you noticed any other trends?’

2013 Best Logo Designs + Trends & Inspiration Showcase | JUSTâ„¢ Creative.

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